Monday, September 14, 2009

What is Bad Credit Loan?

A common practice that people resort to, when they need financial support for a certain reason, is taking a loan. A loan is basically, a particular sum of money that an individual borrows from a bank.
But the procedure involves certain conditions. The person is liable to repay the original loan amount which is also called The Principle. Then comes the interest for the loan amount which has to be paid to the bank regularly. The interest rates are compounded, applied annually or semi annually or quarterly.
Canadian banks too , not unlike other banks, offer useful and helpful loans for various purposes. They offer housing loans, vehicle loans, wedding loans, personal loans, business loans etc,. Bad credit loan is also a type of loans that many Canadian banks offer. But before applying for a loan, an account has to be opened. The bank checks previous credit statements, credit card re-payments,credit history, property details of the clients for security reasons.

For the same reasons banks in Canada and all over the world assess a persons Credit score before granting any loans. A credit score is determined from ones Credit history or Credit statement. A credit history is a record of a persons financial dealings. It gives the details of a persons deposits, money borrowed, money repaid, credit card usage and repayment details. It indicates as to whether a client is a defaulter, bankrupt, or one who delays payments. In short it indicates wether the person in consideration has the repaying capacity or not. A person is likely to get a loan granted by a bank if his credit score is high and it rejects an apllicant who is found to be a regular defaulter. Thus it is important to maintain a good credit statement always in order to acquire loans easily. But sometimes loans are granted even if a credit history is bad. They are Bad credit loans.

Bad Credit Loans come with the highest interest rates. The high interest rates are justified by the high risks the banks face on granting them. Though Canadian banks are more fair concerning interest rates for bad credit loans. Such loans are granted for people looking forward to invest in a business. Its a loan granted to a client with a bad credit history. So banks are careful in granting them. They make sure that they have some means of compensating their losses if a client defaults. Bad credit loans are offered after serious assessment of a clients financial status and after making sure there is a valid expenditure that requires finance. However, the banks are not the only ones facing risks in such dealings. There are many risks that clients face too.

The clients must read the terms and conditions properly before agreeing with them. Clients with property can also enlist them as security to enhance their chances of securing a loan. But the clients must ensure that they have the repaying capacity, for if they fail, it makes their credit history worse.
However banks in Canada offer excellent and hospitable customer service that makes the dealing hassle free and smooth

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